Window Companies Peoria IL

    Window Companies Peoria IL

    We Stand Out from Other Window Companies in Peoria IL

    With so many commercials, ads and billboards competing for your attention, it can be difficult to know who to choose when you need a window company that will get the job done. You have options, and we respect that.

    However, we also believe that we’re the best one for you and your home. For several reasons, we stand alone against other window companies Peoria IL has to offer.


    Free Estimates on Installation

    For over six decades, we’ve built relationships with our community and with the people we serve. These relationships have helped us realize that transparency helps both sides of the transaction. That is why you can schedule a no-obligation, free estimate for your next project.

    At Crawford and Brinkman, we won’t blindside you. You won’t experience a budget-breaking surprise at the end when you’re stuck with the bill. We give you a free estimate on our installation services because we believe our honest prices can speak for themselves.

    Friendly Faces

    We never rely on subcontractors. Instead, we dispatch in-house, qualified technicians whom we trust. This means that the person in your home is held accountable, showing up on time and in uniform to ensure you are in good hands.

    As the oldest window company in Peoria IL, Crawford and Brinkman offers reliable and affordable window services. We install, repair and maintain a home’s windows to ensure that they function efficiently for as long as possible.

    Quality Products

    As a homeowner or business owner, you want to make sure your investment in windows is secure and exactly the one you want. For this reason, we offer various types of windows, each with specific benefits. Here are two of our most popular choices below:

    Vinyl windows. A vinyl window reduces energy loss and saves homeowners money on their monthly bills. Of all frame types, vinyl windows offer the best efficiency and overall functionality.

    Aluminum clad windows. If you enjoy the look – but not the inefficiency – of a wood frame, consider aluminum clad wood. Inside your home, these windows present the elegance and charm of wood material. At the same time, their outer aluminum coating makes them weatherproof. The wood-facing won’t ever have to take the brunt of the elements. This means the windows keep their look and efficiency for years.

    Contact Us

    We understand if these reasons haven’t completely convinced you that we are above other window companies Peoria IL has to offer. Give us a call or Contact us for your free installation estimate and get to know us. We’re sure you’ll see why we have been around for over 70 years.